How Renters Can Convince Landlords to Go Solar

MLEC Solar
3 min readJun 18, 2021


Renters have it pretty rough sometimes dealing with landlords — it can take a while to have that leaky shower looked at or the air conditioner to get fixed but depending on your ongoing relationship with your landlord — there is a cool way you could both benefit from your flat, apartment, unit or liveable shed benefiting with the power of solar.

The initial solar benefits for renters are as clear as a sunny day (which is also when solar works best!). Primarily an efficient solar system installed on the property you rent could drastically reduce your reliance on grid-based energy and bring home massive power bill savings. That means more dollars to go towards share-house parties, food for your dog or any other way you like to spend dollars.

But how to convince those wily landlords to drop a few hard k on a rooftop solar system that will largely only benefit the tenants? Unless your landlord is either the super kindest hearted philanthropic benefactor of your dreams or, alternatively a cool greenie type who hates seeing the sun’s energy going to waste — you might run into some difficulty convincing him or her to take the solar plunge.

Regardless, one of life’s saving graces is that you can always try — and here are some ways how you can.

  1. Suggest You Can Pay a Slightly Increased Rent to Cover Solar Costs

Agreed, paying more rent is never optimal in the greater scheme of things — unless you are paying towards the great cause of having solar. An efficient solar system could save you massive bills off your power bills, so what is an extra ten bucks on top of your rent every week if you’re creaming it solar savings wise?

2. Instigate a solar focused broker to have both tenant and landlord reap solar benefits

There are some solar helpful outfits that dedicate themselves to assisting renters to access solar by acting as a solar broker, dividing costs and dividends between tenants and landlords. At a glance and after the initial solar set-up, the deals see landlords take a percentage of higher rent while the tenant buys the power at a cheaper rate than the grid supplies — so, in theory, both parties win.

3. Sell the idea of solar as a long-term property investment

One cool way you could convince your money tight landlord to cough up the dough for a solar system is to fill them in on the potentials of a solar installation raising the value of the property. A swank solar system could well raise the worth of a property should the landlord want to sell it one day — though this might spark an idea of them wanting to sell while you are still living there! So, no solar deals, and no home! D’oh!

4. Sometimes the government foots half the installation bill

In some Australian states, there are solar incentives that see the good ol’ government putting their money where their mouth is regarding a sustainable energy future, with them paying up to half the of a solar install. Yes, the landlord pays the other half, but half is half and totally not all. Nice! The tenant then pays a minor solar stipend of $250 per year over four years and could potentially save up to $900 on yearly power bills!

5. Overall Tenant Satisfaction

Ah, probably the most important aspect of all — especially for the tenants! Happier tenants make for potentially nicer, cleaner, kinder tenants who want to keep renewing that lease on and on into the future. If landlords were to have a solar panel system installed and perhaps some double glazing, fix that leaky shower and have the air conditioner looked at, then tenants may be keener to keep the property more shipshape and stay on longer.

So, all in all, some cool and nifty ways to at least inspire your landlord to go solar. Next time the rent is due, drop a line like ‘Your responsibility to the environment is due, bucko! And then see what happens!



MLEC Solar

Solar power is our thing — so we decided to write home about it.