Debunking 10 Myths About Greener Living

MLEC Solar
4 min readJun 18, 2021


There’s a lot of hoopla around these days about living more eco-conscious and with that hoopla comes a lot of myths around what it means to be green — no, I’m not talking about Kermit’s struggle with his hue, I’m talking about bozos harping on about greener living being tough or not helpful to the bigger climate issues at hand. The below is an attempt to debunk 10 popular myths surrounding being green in the hope it will inspire you to do just that.

10. Going Green is Just for ‘Tree-Hugging Hippies’

First of all, it’s not exactly tree-hugging in that protesters arcing up about deforestation in places like Tasmania are not hugging trees — they are chaining themselves to ancient trunks that are about to be chopped down because they care — a lot. The connotation of ‘Tree-huggers’ as a derogatory term to belittle those passionate about saving trees from logging is unfair and out of date. Going green is a way of life anyone can adopt to help do their bit, so if you’re not up for chaining yourself to an ancient tree, why not start out easy by recycling things at home or starting a compost?

9. Buying food locally is too hard and too expensive.

Sure, sourcing and travelling to your local farmers market may be tricker than trucking off to a major supermarket for your weekly shop — but think of all that fresh and delicious produce you’ll be missing out on! Even local grocers usually stock better grub than the major grocery shops, plus if you shop and buy locally, you’ll be helping out small business owners in your community — that’s all worth driving the extra mile, surely?

8. I’m bored of recycling stuff.

If you are bored of recycling stuff or find it too difficult or a waste of time, why not make it a fun activity around the house with your kids or loved ones? Set yourself attainable recycling goals and aim for them each day or weekly. Think of all the good you’ll be doing reducing landfill and playing your part in reducing your carbon footprint — and maybe even helping to save the world!

7. What’s one more plastic bag gonna matter?

Not wanting to sound like a teacher or a nagging Mum, but if everyone thought ‘using one more plastic bag won’t matter then we would be swamped in a sea of plastic bags for sure! The easiest way around deciding to go greener in regard to shopping bags is to employ using a reusable cloth bag when you go shopping. Or better still, make one! Decorate it, make it personalised! You’ll be the talk of the town and the envy of all your shopping friends.

6. Green living is aaall about the environment.

Well, it's got something to do with the environment, but most importantly it's got to do with your attitudes and actions within the environment — and those of the future generations to come. The planet is dying quick so what better time to act, even in a small way — a small way that hopefully grows into bigger, greener, more beneficial ways. Going green isn’t just about the environment — it’s about what steps you’ll take to have a lesser impact on it.

5. Green living means going off-grid and living in a commune.

Hey, to some people that sounds like a great idea — to others it sounds a little extreme, and to others, it sounds downright crazy. Whatever your preference, you can start to go green in your current abode by doing small green things around the home and in your community. Start a communal veggie garden and invite your neighbours to come and help weed, dig, sow or any other garden-based activity. Not only will your community flourish in social ways, but you can all share the fresh and delicious veggies your garden produces!

4. Living Green means depriving yourself.

Some members of society claim that living greener means depriving yourself of worldly goods, nice food or material things. Nothing in the ‘Going Greener Rulebook’ says you should go without things to live greener — in fact, there is no rulebook — so why not make your own! One suggestion would be perhaps to cut back on mass consuming new goods and choose to purchase second-hand items from garage sales or online methods — there are mounds of reusable treasure options that already exist, rather than relying on buying constantly new things.

3. Yeah, but small changes don’t really add up to much.

It may seem that making little greener changes around the home and/or workplace may not seem like you’re having much of an impact on the larger-scale picture, but rest assured each little step you make towards a greener future is making a lasting impression, albeit potentially small. Think of those around you who could inspire you to make greener changes too — thus making a super team of individuals banding together like a superhero troupe!

2. Going Green is so passe

I beg to differ! Living a greener life has never been so important! With fossil fuels on the decline and ozone-depleting at an alarming pace now is the time to up your green game. As we hurtle towards a grimmer environmental future, there’s no fear of becoming more climate-conscious being seen as daggy or passe — quite the opposite. Join the green revolution and take up arms!

  1. Environmentally-conscious products are expensive!

The initial monetary outlay for environmentally conscious products may be a little more expensive than regular products but think of the environmental costs you’ll be saving in the long run. Most environmental products are produced in a sustainable way with little, if any, impact on the environment. So, if you spend a few more dollars on your goods, future generations will thank you!



MLEC Solar

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